Glossiness map from Photoshop!

Glossiness map is a texture used in architecture to control the brightness and reflective aspect of a surface. It is commonly used in conjunction with other maps, such as the diffuse map and reflection map, to create more realistic and detailed materials in 3D models.

It is typically represented by grayscale tones, where brighter areas indicate a shinier and more reflective surface, while darker areas indicate a more opaque and less reflective surface. This map is used to control the specular reflection of the surface, which is the reflection of direct light on a polished or shiny surface.

By applying it to a 3D model, it is possible to control the appearance of materials such as polished metals, glossy plastics, or varnished surfaces. Furthermore, when combined with other maps, it simulates the appearance of a reflective and shiny surface under different lighting conditions.

1- Open the Base Map and perform the following steps:

Image → Adjustments → Black and White

2- Glossiness Map -Unsaturate the image

When opening this screen, just press OK and this function will remove the image saturation!

3- Glossiness Map – Now adjust brightness and contrast

Image → Adjustments → Brightness and Contrast.
Here you should adjust more or less how you expect the brightness and contrast of the texture to be, where where it is whiter it will have more brightness and where it is dark it will have less brightness.
After that, your Glossiness Map is ready, just save it as an image and you can use it to create your texture in 3D software!

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